Ajattelen taas monimutkaisesti HPY, mutta mielestäni tästä kuvasta voi tehdä monta syvällistä tulkintaa. Nuo ihmiset siinä nostiviat mieleeni, että sen Oven edessä... jossakin vaiheessa olemme jokainen.
Thankyou for your visit to my blog. I am sorry it's taken me a few days to come over and *see* you also. I love this photo, people watching can be a fastinating way to past time and it's nice to glimps someone elses world. I personally saw people before doors but they both tell their own stories and you captured them both in one photo.
8 commentaires:
I will add you to the list!
Kauniin persoonalliset ovat! Ei onnistuisi Suomessa... Ainakaan ihan heti.
this is so bold, love it.
This is an intriguing photo of doors....and what is that sign on them - does it mean no entry? if so, that's quite ironic!
Ajattelen taas monimutkaisesti HPY, mutta mielestäni tästä kuvasta voi tehdä monta syvällistä tulkintaa. Nuo ihmiset siinä nostiviat mieleeni, että sen Oven edessä...
jossakin vaiheessa olemme jokainen.
Pas le temps de décortiquer ta photo ce matin, je referai un tour plus tard.
Finally I found you, again :) Your url-address has not worked for a while...
This is a comforting picture: someone still has friends to lean on to, to see her off on her journey to the doors or past them...
Thankyou for your visit to my blog. I am sorry it's taken me a few days to come over and *see* you also. I love this photo, people watching can be a fastinating way to past time and it's nice to glimps someone elses world. I personally saw people before doors but they both tell their own stories and you captured them both in one photo.
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